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¿Quién soy?

Hola a tod@s! My name is Señorita Jeniah Thomas. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. I attended York Community High School there before continuing my education in Atlanta. I received my Associate Degree of Arts at Oxford College and obtained my Bachelor Degree of Arts in Spanish and Linguistics with a concentration in German Studies from Emory University. (That is a mouthful, I know)! All that basically means is that I am a certified language fanatic :D. This will be my first year teaching at The Frederick Douglass High School and I couldn't be more excited.

My wonderful mother immigrated to the States from the South American country, Guyana. Many people automatically assume that I can speak Spanish when they hear where I am from and I always have to hit them with this little fun fact: Guyana is one of the only Latin American countries whose official language is not Spanish. I learned Spanish as a result of my love for the language and that adoration grows even more each day. I am a proud Afro-Latina and I cannot wait to share my passion for the Spanish language with my new students! 


To my Spanish students, know that the class will be challenging, especially given the circumstances with which we are returning to school but it will be fun and you will be supported at all times. Never hesitate to reach out for extra help and I will offer support in any way that I can. Now that you all know a little bit about me, I cannot wait to meet and learn more about all of you. Stay safe and healthy. Â¡Nos vemos pronto!

About Me: About
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